Tuesday 30 December 2014


I was so excited about visiting my parents over Christmas that I forgot about my limitations due to hypothyroidism. Well, I certainly remembered once I got there!
We (secretly) got a taxi (costing £60!) to theirs because I just couldn't face the journey at all and felt it would ruin my great mood.

I actually felt festive! This was the first year in a long time that I was not working over Christmas and I planned on having a drunken time.

The whole visit really wore me out. Everything was a massive chore, even watching a film.
So when we found out I'd made a mistake with the train timetable back, it really sucked. We had to stop over another night and when I finally got home I was vacant. I slept for 14 hours.
That was on the 27th, we now have the MIL stopping over from the 29th to the 31st. This is also exhausting.

I spent the 28th cleaning. It took me all day. Doing some, stopping to sit down and then up again.

What has happened to me? I used to be so house proud so I feel that people have a certain expectation when they come to my home. There is still clutter everywhere and I'm fed up.

Tomorrow, after MIL has gone I am sleeping and resting. On NYE! I should be going out at my age (28) and celebrating the new year. Perhaps if I have a ton of coffee then I could go out?
But then I will suffer the next day and possibly the one after that.

You know what?

I'm sick of this feeling. I'm making an appointment with my doctor and I want a referral.
Surely this isn't right even on thyroxine?

Going now. Rant done.

Thursday 18 December 2014

Feeling fed up

Warning: Rant Post!

I'm sorry but I'm getting fed up of this inability to sleep. I find myself not falling asleep until past 3am most nights. This is getting ridiculous now and I feel that if I go to the doctors, he will just fob me off again so I will just keep plodding on.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) from which way you see it, I am not working at the moment due to helping my husband who's on PIP (the new version of DLA). We were struggling so much to get out and were thrilled to be accepted for PIP and he has been awarded until 2016 I think. The bit of extra money for that has helped me to care for him and get him out. We both have anxiety but his is more extreme and related to social situations so I find it crucial to try and get him out.

I had to give up work when we moved so that I could help him and then look what happens to me!

September was meant to be a great month due to it being our second wedding anniversary but instead, I found out about this condition. I cried for a while when they told me because I knew this was a lifelong condition and wouldn't go away with a tablet. NOTE: I hate taking tablets as I've always felt that I'm not myself, I've been on anti depressants, anxiety medication etc etc and always stopped it myself because I did not feel like the 'real me'.
Well, obviously I can't get out of this one. I have to take them and I hate it so much.

Since my husband is also 'ill', at least I have someone that kind of understands. Obviously, he doesn't have an underactive thyroid but he is ill in many other ways so knows how horrible it feels to surrender to an illness.

However, I am determined to find out as much as I can about my thyroid and I want to at least improve my situation in some way if I can.

I am on several groups on Facebook and have heard about gluten free lifestyles as being the way to go but I need to read more I think.

If anyone reads this ever, and has their own experiences or tips if you will, to share then please do because I'm quite new to this and I have no idea really what I'm doing or whether researching is worth it or not.



Sunday 14 December 2014

An Introduction

Hello. I'm B and I'm confused.

Okay, so I was diagnosed with hypothyroid (underactive thyroid) in September after an unrelated blood test for a medical trial. The doctor said nothing, just printed out a prescription and that was pretty much that!

So I'm on a thyroid journey if you will.

 I am attempting to find out more about what the thyroid does and will be documenting how I'm feeling and or symptoms etc. This can then be referenced for when I decide to go back to the doctors and get something done.

I hope at some point to be prescribed NDT as I've heard that it is a good replacement for
levothyroxine and also would like a referral to an endocrinologist.

Anyway, that's all for now. If you are a fellow thyroid sufferer you will know that our concentration and energy levels are not great.

I'm off to eat some stew and then sleep.